What is DAISY AI?

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Today I want to share with you What is DAISY AI.

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For more information on how to start and use DAISY, please see the article "How to Start and Use DAISY".

What is DAISY AI?

DAISY AI is a distributed AI system under development by Endotech, founded by Dr. Anna Becker.

DAISY AI is a next-generation AI with the goal of achieving No. 1 AI trading performance in all major markets.

Please refer to the article “What is Endotech?”.


Dr. Anna Becker has been a pioneer in AI and financial technology for over 25 years.

In addition, she is recognized as a leading scientist in the fields of AI and finance technology.

Please refer to the article “Who is Dr. Anna Becker?”.

Two themes of DAISY AI

Crypto AI

CryptoAI is an AI aimed at upgrading the performance of AI currently being offered to banks and hedge funds.

It is being tested and developed across approximately 40 different strategies.


FOREX is an AI developed for the purpose of improving the performance of crypto AI.

It is being developed as an AI that can be applied in different markets.

Frequently Asked Questions

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You need affiliate links.Tap on "リンクをコピー" below and paste it into the TronLink search window.

For more information on how to start and use DAISY, please see the article "How to Start and Use DAISY".