What is Node?

a computer generated image of a cube surrounded by smaller cubes English

If you are studying cryptocurrencies, you may encounter a variety of mysterious terms.

Hash rate, mining, node.

You may not understand the meaning of these terms.

Because you don’t understand the meaning of these terms, you tend to think that cryptocurrency is something you don’t understand.

But that is a very bad idea.

If you can clearly understand the meaning of the terms, you may be able to realize the potential of cryptocurrency.

In this article, we will explain about nodes in cryptocurrency.

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For more information on how to start and use Limitless, please see the article "How to Start and Use Limitless".


A node in cryptocurrency is a terminal (computer or smartphone) or software that participates in the blockchain network.

Computations are performed in the blockchain network using computers and software.

In blockchain, there is no administrator like a bank.

Therefore, everyone in the world confirms transactions.

A huge amount of calculations are performed to confirm the transactions.


Such nodes play an important role in the operation and security of the blockchain.

Nodes perform various tasks such as creating, sending and verifying transactions, issuing and mining new tokens, etc.

They monitor blockchain transactions using computers and software called nodes.

But monitoring such transactions requires an enormous amount of computation.

The huge amount of computation requires electricity to run it.


This is why the blockchain rewards the user for monitoring transactions.

With Limitless, you gain ownership of a node by acquiring a package.

For example, if you get Founder’s Pack 1, you get one node.

You use that node to monitor transactions on the blockchain.


What type of transactions you perform depends on the package.

For example, you can issue ATLA coins, use a search engine, and so on.

Limitless calls them categories.


Normally, a node is a computer (or software).

With Limitless, however, you just use your smartphone to get the package, and you get the node, too.

In other words, you don’t need to prepare a special computer.

Just get the package and you have a node that performs various tasks.

Isn’t this amazing?

The value of the node is expected to continue to grow.

This is because as more and more people participate in the project, the value of the node will increase.

You too can use nodes to get great rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions

brown wooden door with blue number 8 print

Download TronLink now! You will need a TronLink wallet to join Limitless.Tap the button below to download the app for free!

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Tronlink: TRX & BTT Wallet

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You need affiliate links.Tap on "リンクをコピー" below and paste it into the TronLink search window.

For more information on how to start and use Limitless, please see the article "How to Start and Use Limitless".